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concordia deaconess conference

2023 Annual CDC Conference

  • 06/12/2023
  • 3:00 PM
  • 06/15/2023
  • 10:00 AM
  • Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW)


  • Includes double housing, all meals, banquet, and all conference activities.
  • Includes all meals, banquet, and all conference activities. Does NOT include housing.
  • Includes double housing, all meals, and banquet.
  • Stays in room with parent (please bring a pack-and-play or air mattress or plan to share your single bed). There is no cost for meals and housing for a child under the age of 5.

    Please register additional children under the age of 5 as "guests" on this registration form.
  • Stays in room with parent (please bring a pack-and-play or air mattress or plan to share your single bed). There is no cost for meals and housing for a child under the age of 5.

    NOTE: Childcare this year will be OFF-SITE. The details are yet to be arranged, but know that your child will have to be taken to the childcare location after breakfast and picked up before dinner each day. They will receive lunch at the childcare location.
  • Includes housing, all meals, and banquet. Please register additional children as "guests" on this registration form.

    NOTE: Children are permitted to bring an air mattress or cot and stay in their parents' room free of charge. If you have older children who will NOT be staying in your room but will be needing an additional double room, please indicate this in the "notes" section of the registration form.
  • Includes housing, all meals, childcare, and banquet. Please register additional children as "guests" on this registration form.

    NOTE: Childcare this year will be OFF-SITE. The details are yet to be arranged, but know that your child will have to be taken to the childcare location after breakfast and picked up before dinner each day. They will receive lunch at the childcare location.

    NOTE: Children are permitted to bring an air mattress or cot and stay in their parents' room free of charge. If you have older children who will NOT be staying in your room but will be needing an additional double room, please indicate this in the "notes" section of the registration form.
  • Please select this option if you are unable to attend. You can email with details or questions.
  • Includes meals and banquet (no housing)

The 2023 CDC Annual Conference will be held June 12-15, 2023 at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the deaconess training program at CTSFW, and we are very excited to be able to celebrate this milestone on the seminary campus.

Conference will begin on Monday, June 12 with check-in at CTSFW at 3:00 PM and end at 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 15 after breakfast, a sectional, and closing chapel service. Your registration includes your choice of double occupancy housing or a commuter option and includes all meals and snacks Tuesday and Wednesday, dinner and wine and cheese reception on Monday, and breakfast on Thursday.

The theme for our conference is “Spiritual Care in the Face of Sex, Culture, and our Brain.” Deaconess Dorothy Glenn and the Spiritual Growth and Professional Development committee have been hard at work to organize enjoyable and edifying large group and breakout sessions to help us explore this topic throughout our stay. Speakers include Dr. Gifford Grobien, Dr. Kim Marxhausen, Rev. A. Trevor Sutton, and more.

As you make plans to head to Fort Wayne, know that there is plenty of parking available onsite for those who will drive. If you will be flying into Fort Wayne (Fort Wayne International Airport), please send your itinerary, especially arrival time and departure time, to so we can help coordinate ground transportation to get you to and from CTSFW.

Registration for this event is online. Paper registration is available upon request to Please read and complete the registration forms carefully. Due to the nature of staying on an active seminary campus, all on-campus housing will be dormitory-style double occupancy with 2 single beds per room and bathrooms shared by multiple rooms.  You can also register as a local commuter if you are local or if you opt to forego dormitory housing and instead stay at one of the many Fort Wayne area hotels (you will need to make your own hotel arrangements if you choose this option). Once you select your registration type, you will also find places to record such information as roommate preference, dietary restrictions, and accessibility needs.

Children and Spouse information: Children and spouses will have to be registered separately from the deaconess they accompany. If you need to register a child or spouse, please complete your own registration and then return to the event page to complete a new registration for your guest. Note that there is one registration option for a spouse and three options for children. Children under 5 are free of charge. Children 5 and over can register with or without childcare. Additional children can be added as guests under the same registration type. When registering a child or spouse, please make sure to put their name in the registration form, not your own. Feel free to contact the conference logistics coordinator with any questions as you complete the registration form.

Additionally, due to seminary regulations, childcare for this conference will be off-site. The details are yet to be arranged, but please know that if you opt for childcare, your child(ren) will need to be dropped off after breakfast and picked up before dinner from the childcare site on Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference. There will not be childcare on Monday night or Thursday morning.

Conference Choir: Deaconess Sandra Rhein will be organizing a conference choir for our 2023 conference. The choir will prepare some music for chapel, but also has a unique opportunity this year to record several hymns for the RSO "Worship Anew," which conducts online worship for shut-ins. Please note that the recording for Worship Anew will take place from 10:30am-12:00pm on Thursday morning, which is immediately after the conclusion of our conference. There is a spot on the registration form to indicate choir interest.

EXCUSES FOR THOSE UNABLE TO ATTEND: According to the CDC Constitution, Article 4, A.3.b.ii, members are responsible to "Attend the yearly CDC conference. Excuses should be made to the chair of the Membership Committee." The Membership Committee Chair is Deaconess Raquel Rojas. Her email address is Please send excuses to Raquel or register online with registration option "Regrets." Absentee ballots will only be sent to CDC members who have given their excuse for absence by May 12, 2023. 

Many thanks to The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod Office of National Mission (ONM) for their sponsorship of this event. Grant monies from ONM and other donors have made it possible to reduce costs of this conference and increase accessibility.

Due to the delay in getting this registration form out to you all, registration will be open to you until 2 weeks before our conference, but I encourage you to register promptly for the sake of reporting numbers to our banquet venue and the seminary. May 29 is the last day to register.

*The last day to register for this conference is May 29, 2023.*

Looking forward to seeing you all in Fort Wayne!

Karen Suter

CDC Conference Logistics Chair 

For up-to-date News and Information, check out our official website at:

Working in Faith

    Laboring in Love

Remaining steadfast in the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ

1 Thess. 1:3


Concordia Deaconess Conference

PO Box 247

Hamel IL 62046

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